Genre-shattering singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Sufjan Stevens has carved a unique niche for dance composition, grounded in a his collaborative bond with New York City Ballet choreographer Justin Peck. Together the creative duo have successfully collaborated on six productions, including four commissioned scores, which garner high praise for leading companies including New City Ballet, Houston Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Joffrey Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet.
“Some of my favorite music is ‘New Age’ adjacent — minimalism, drone music, mood music, environmental soundscape, non-verbal pop music, meditation music, tone poems, movie soundtracks. To name a few: A Rainbow In Curved Air by Terry Riley, Glassworks by Philip Glass and everything by Julius Eastman!” — Sufjan Stevens
Stevens’ commercially released albums include Suite from Run Rabbit Run for string orchestra
Reflections — Houston Ballet rehearsal with Justin Peck
Principia — New York City Ballet presents Justin Peck
The BQE — with Justin Peck’s choreography, In The Countenance of Kings at San Francisco Ballet
Everywhere We Go — behind the scenes with Sterling Hyltin at New York City Ballet
The Decalogue — New York City Ballet’s trailer
Year of the Rabbit — New York City Ballet’s trailer
The Sun Valley Dance Festival features guest artists from Houston Ballet and New York City Ballet in excerpts from Year of the Rabbit and Reflections.
Convocations, the recent instrumental album by Stevens, was released in May 2021. A special five-LP colored-vinyl box set will be available in August. Convocations is in five volumes — Meditations, Lamentations, Revelations, Celebrations, and Incantations — a two-and-a-half-hour, 49-track reflection on a year of anxiety, uncertainty, isolation, and loss.
Listen to Stevens discuss creativity during Covid19 and the composition of Convocations on WBUR’s Here & Now.
Coming in September 2021: A Beginner’s Mind, a new album with Stevens and Angelo De Augustine collaborating and reflecting in song about movies.
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