The Ragtime Symphonic Concert is the official concert version of the musical Ragtime. It features a reduced-length revised script & score, and expanded orchestrations for symphony orchestra.
It is presented with one intermission.
For the following full-length, theatrical versions of Ragtime, please visit MTI’s Website: Original Broadway Version, School Edition Version, and 9-Piece Orchestration Version.
Original orchestrations by William David Brohn, additional orchestrations by Kim Scharnberg.

  • 2(II:pic).2(II:ca).2(II:bcl).2/2.2(II:flg).2.1/timp.perc.dmkit/kbd(acn).pf(cel).hp/gtr(man,bjo)/str
  • Vocals
  • 2 hr 5 min
    • 17th August 2024, Umstattd Hall Canton OH, Canton, OH, United States of America
    View all

Programme Note

Cast list
COALHOUSE WALKER, JR.: A proud and talented pianist. A Black man who believes that he can take part in the new America and will be treated fairly.
Gender: Male
Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range; G2 to A4

SARAH: Washwoman. Sarah is a young Black woman, filled with a strong will to live, fueled by an innocent spirit. Falls deeply in love with Coalhouse after much resistance.
Gender: Female
Age: 20 to 25
Vocal range: G#3 to F#5

MOTHER: The consummate wife and mother. A kind woman with incredible moral fiber. Refined, intelligent, graceful and open minded.
Gender: Female
Age: 30 to 40
Vocal range: G3 to F#5

FATHER: Mother's professionally successful husband. Fancies himself an amateur explorer, he is commanding and attractive. Enjoys being the family breadwinner, a traditionalist.
Gender: Male
Age: 30 to 45
Vocal range: A2 to F4

YOUNGER BROTHER: Mother's younger brother. He is an erratic and passionate soul, a firework waiting to be lit. Influenced greatly by Goldman's teachings.
Gender: Male
Age: 20 to 25
Vocal range: B2 to F#4

LITTLE BOY: Mother and Father's son. He is open-hearted and curious with inexplicable clairvoyance. Never passes judgement on others.
Gender: Male
Age: 8 to 12
Vocal range: E4 to D5

GRANDFATHER: Mother's patrician father. He is a retired professor, and easily irritated by nearly everything.
Gender: Male
Age: 60 to 70

TATEH: A Latvian immigrant, an artist. He struggles to survive and provide for his child but remains optimistic that he will be successful. Full of genuine drive, heart and humor. He lives for his little daughter.
Gender: Male
Age: 35 to 45
Vocal range: Bb2 to F#4

LITTLE GIRL: Tateh's daughter. A vulnerable child in a brand-new country, she has lost her mother and is guarded and shy. She clings to her father.
Gender: Female
Age: 7 to 10
Vocal range: C4 to Bb4

BOOKER T. WASHINGTON: Brilliant Black social activist. He is an eloquent and articulate gentleman with no patience for Black Americans leading less than exemplary lives.
Gender: Male
Age: 45 to 55
Vocal range: D3 to Eb4

EMMA GOLDMAN: Social activist. Originally from Russia, she is a fiery leader, a fearless advocate for the oppressed.
Gender: Female
Age: 35 to 45
Vocal range: B3 to D5

EVELYN NESBIT: Beautiful vaudeville performer. Thrust into the limelight after the high-profile murder of her lover, the entire world is her stage.
Gender: Female
Age: 18 to 21
Vocal range: B3 to D5

HARRY HOUDINI: The famous magician, originally from Hungary. With notable physical ability, he stands as a symbol of the 'American Dream.'
Gender: Male
Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range: E3 to G4

   Soprano - Vocal range: C4 to B5
   Alto - Vocal range: G3 to F5
   Tenor - Vocal range: A2 to B4
   Baritone - Vocal range: A2 to E4