• Bernhard Gander
  • Ich habe ihn nie getroffen (2023)
    (for soprano, violoncello and percussion)

  • Henry Litolff’s Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (World)

  • S + perc/vc
  • Soprano
  • 14 min

Programme Note

Ich habe ihn nie getroffen (I have never met him) is based on an action by the French conceptual artist Sophie Calle. It is about the radical "exposure" of a person unknown to her, whose lost address book, found by her somewhere in Paris, she uses as a basis to track down the unsuspecting man at her mercy by questioning the addressees.

Various statements about this person from several people close to him serve as the textual basis (translation: Thierry Brühl).

 This indiscreet documentary, which Sophie Calle interpreted as an art action and which was finally published in the daily newspaper Liberation, caused a tangible scandal in the 1980s that still reverberates today.
