• Julius Eastman
  • Symphony No. II - The Faithful Friend: The Lover Friend's Love for the Beloved (1983)

  • Music Sales Corporation (World)

Duration may range from 12-22 minutes, depending on interpretation.
Edited by Luciano Chessa.

  • 3.2+2ca.0+3bcl+3cbcl.3+3cbn/
  • 22 min
    • 24th August 2024, Royal Albert Hall, London, United Kingdom
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  • Independent Repertoire: American Optimism — Grappling with Dark and Light
    • Independent Repertoire: American Optimism — Grappling with Dark and Light
    • Since the early days of the United States, Americans have had a reputation for optimism and a particular attitude of possibility. Yet the U.S. has also faced great challenges in its history, from the Civil War to the Great Depression and present-day threats. Numerous scholars and cultural commentators have also noted our enduring streaks of both apocalyptic thinking and forthright engagement with life’s hardships. American composers have grappled with and balanced such forces of dark and light.


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