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  • suggested: for any number of similar instruments
  • 29 min
    • 3rd August 2024, Church of All Nations: 180 Palmerston St, Carlton, Victoria, Australia
    • 4th August 2024, Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St., Carlton, Victoria, Australia
    View all

Programme Note

Composer Note
From Julius Eastman’s remarks to the audience before the premieres of Crazy Nigger, Evil Nigger, and Gay Guerrilla in January 1980 during his composer-residency at Northwestern University:
“Now the reason I use Gay Guerrilla — G U E R R I L L A, that one — is because these names — let me put a little subsystem here — these names: either I glorify them or they glorify me. And in the case of guerrilla: that glorifies gay — that is to say, there aren’t many gay guerrillas. I don’t feel that ‘gaydom’ has — does have — that strength, so therefore, I use that word in the hopes that they will. You see, I feel that — at this point, I don’t feel that gay guerrillas can really match with ‘Afghani’ guerrillas or ‘PLO’ guerrillas, but let us hope in the future that they might, you see. That’s why I use that word guerrilla: it means a guerrilla is someone who is, in any case, sacrificing his life for a point of view. And, you know, if there is a cause — and if it is a great cause — those who belong to that cause will sacrifice their blood, because, without blood, there is no cause. So, therefore, that is the reason that I use gay guerrilla, in hopes that I might be one, if called upon to be one.”


Julius Eastman, Janet Kattas, Patricia Martin, Frank Ferko, pianists
Kai Schumacher, Patricia Martin, Mirela Zhulali, Benedikt ter Braak, pianists
Time's Arrow at Boston University



More Info

  • The Springtime Vibrations of Julius Eastman
    • The Springtime Vibrations of Julius Eastman
    • 13th April 2023
    • The music of Julius Eastman continues to resonate across the United States in 2023. April is a particularly exciting time for the composer’s music, highlighted in performances by two major American ensembles.