Commissioned by the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra for its 100th Anniversary Celebratory ‘2020-2021’ Concert Season. The commission was generously underwritten by the Robert and Marianne Denes Fund.

  • 3(pic).2(ca)+ca.2(Ebcl)+bcl.2+cbn/4.3.2+btbn.1/timp.3perc/hp.cel/str
  • 25 min

Programme Note

Opening in a pastoral style, the concerto’s first movement plays with the establishment and development of motifs in quickly altering meters and rhythms. It by no means an academic exercise, but typically for Previn, it is emotionally engaging, returning to pastoral ideas throughout the movement. The second movement, melodic and generally quiet, is called “Duets” and comprises actual duets as well as duets between sections. The somber and melodically sentimental third movement, ‘Remember,’ leads into the Finale, packed with several exciting gear shifts: a short brass statement; a section that resembles a Bachian concerto grosso in style, texture and sound; a slow introspective section; and a brisk climax to finish.



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