arr. by Luther Henderson and Maurice Peress

  • 2(pic).2.2(bcl).2asx(cl)+2tsx(2cl)+barsx(bcl).2/4431/timp.2perc/hp/str
  • 18 min
    • 10th August 2024, Wolkenturm, Grafenegg, Austria
    • 31st August 2024, Laurentiusplatz, Wuppertal, Germany
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  • Independent Repertoire: American Cityscapes and Landscapes
    • Independent Repertoire: American Cityscapes and Landscapes
    • Numerous composers have drawn inspiration both from the United States’ natural beauty and the vibrant character of its cities. From iconic neighborhoods to breathtaking views, rural agrarian life to industrial skylines, the following works evoke this country’s distinctive landscapes through sound.



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