Saariaho Opera - New Award

Saariaho Opera - New Award
Deutsche Grammophon’s DVD of L’Amour de loin, the Grawemeyer Award-winning opera by Kaija Saariaho, has won the BBC Music Magazine Jury Award for DVD Performance.

Described in the magazine as ‘stunning’ and ‘a dream of an opera’ this award reinforces the striking impact that Saariaho’s first opera has made worldwide.

The jury’s comments on the DVD were: ‘This is a breathtakingly beautiful opera and Peter Sellars’ production is both visually striking and dramatically effective. The cast of singers simply couldn’t have been bettered and Salonen is a conductor with a unique understanding of the score. The DVD also contains illuminating interviews with the protagonists. One to treasure.’

Saariaho’s second opera, Adriana Mater, premieres at L’Opéra Bastille on March 30. Click here for news about this and the forthcoming oratorio, La Passion de Simone.

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