Kaija Saariaho at the Berliner Festspiele

Kaija Saariaho works will feature twice during this year’s Festwochen as part of the Berliner Festspiele. You will be able to hear the German Premiere of her music theatre work ‘From The Grammar Dreams’ and the German Premiere of her choral work Tag des Jahrs.
From The Grammar of Dreams will be given on 2 and 3 October 2002 with a production that was previously presented in Helsinki, Paris, Oslo, and on tour through the UK to great acclaim. The stage is designed by Raija Malka who has also worked closely with Kaija Saariaho on Prisma, a CD-Rom dedicated to her work.
Tag des Jahrs will be sung by the Rundfunk Chor Berlin under Simon Halsey and is an a capella work with electronics based on poems by Friedrich Hölderlin. The concert will take place on 12 November at the Kammermusiksaal Philahrmonie.

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