Wilde Stories Retold

Wilde Stories Retold
© Lupus Films Ltd
Debbie Wiseman's major animated film project Wilde Stories is to be repeated this Christmas, following the first broadcast on Boxing Day last year. Wilde Stories is a trilogy of Oscar Wilde’s best-known stories for children co-produced by Lupus Films and TerraGlyph Productions. Leading film composer Debbie Wiseman adapted “The Nightingale and the Rose” and “The Selfish Giant” from her Grammy nominated original versions for narrator and orchestra as recorded by Teldec, and was commissioned to write an original orchestral score for “The Devoted Friend". Channel 4 is broadcasting the three stories on consecutive mornings (all at 07:00): The Nightingale and the Rose on 29 December, The Selfish Giant on 30 December, and The Devoted Friend on 31 December.

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