New Works - for hire

New Works - for hire

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Simon Bainbridge: Piano Trio (2008)
Orchestration: pf/

George Fenton: Angel Falls from Planet Earth - 3 minutes
Orchestration: 2222/4130/timp.perc/hp/str

George Fenton: The Blue Whale (from ‘The Blue Planet Live’) - 5 minutes
Orchestration: 2(pic).2+2ca.2+2bcl.0.2/

George Fenton: Dolphins (from ‘The Blue Planet Live’) - 3 minutes
Soloist: Spanish guitar

George Fenton: Elephants in the Desert from Planet Earth - 5 minutes
Orchestration: 22(2ca)3(3bcl)2/4331/timp.perc/hp.cel/str

George Fenton: Jewel in the Crown - 3 minutes
Orchestration: 3232/4331/timp.perc/2hp/str

George Fenton: Land and Freedom - 10 minutes
Orchestration: 22(2ca)3(3bcl)3(3cbn)/4441/timp.perc/

George Fenton: Monocled Mutineer - 3 minutes
Orchestration: 2121/4100/timp/pf.syn/str

George Fenton: The Sardine Run (from ‘The Blue Planet’) - 4 minutes
Orchestration: 2+2pic.2+2ca.2.0.2/

George Fenton: The Shallow Seas - 5 minutes
Orchestration: 22(2ca)4(4bcl)3(3cbn)/6331/timp.perc/hp.syn/str

George Fenton: Stage Beauty 2006 - 4 minutes
Orchestration: 223(3bcl)2/4331/timp.perc/

George Fenton: Trials of Life – March of the Lobsters - 5 minutes 10 seconds
Orchestration: 334(4bcl)3(3cbn)/6331/timp.perc/

George Fenton: Valiant - 4 minutes 30 seconds
Orchestration: 3(3pic)23(3bcl)2/5431/timp.perc/hp/str

George Fenton: Five Parts of the Dance - 16 minutes 30 seconds
Orchestration: tpt/mba/pf

Patrick Hawes: Toccata (2009) – 4 minutes
Soloist: organ

Alberto Iglesias: Volver Suite - 17 minutes
Orchestration: 2+pic(afl).afl.2+ca.2+bcl.2+cbn/

Peter Maxwell Davies: Naxos Quartet No 8 (2005) – 16 minutes
Orchestration: string quartet

Nico Muhly: Expecting the Main Things From You (2005) – 23 minutes
Chorus: SATB
Orchestration: string quartet, percussion, organ

Nico Muhly: I know where everything is (2007)

Thea Musgrave: Take Two Oboes (2008) – 5 minutes
Orchestration: 2 oboes

Bent Sørensen: Sounds Like You (2008) – 44 minutes
Soloists: 2 actors
Chorus: SATB
Orchestration: 3(3pic).2.3(3ebcl).2/4331/3perc/pf.hp/str

John Tavener: Sunrise in your Heart (2007) – 3 minutes

John Tavener: Towards Silence (2007) – 30 minutes
Orchestration: four string quartets, large Tibetan temple bowl