Bliss Checkmate study score

Bliss Checkmate study score
A new study score of Arthur Bliss’ classic ballet Checkmate is now available. The score is engraved and published complete for the first time, with preface by Bliss scholar Andrew Burn.

Checkmate, which was commissioned by the Vic-Wells Ballet in 1937, featured choreography by Ninette de Valois and striking designs by E. McKnight Kauffer. The ballet went on to become one of Bliss’ most popular scores, not only brilliantly depicting the drama that lies behind the strategic game of chess, but also reflecting the wider tension of the European political stage at the time of the ballet’s first performance.

The publication of this score has been made possible with generous support from the Bliss Trust.

The score is available on sale from your local music retailer or from

Arthur BLISS: Checkmate study score
Catalogue no. NOV078958
Price: £39.95

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