• Carola Bauckholt
  • My Light Lives in the Dark (2024)
    (for double bass and samples)

  • Henry Litolff’s Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (World)
  • db + tp
  • 5-string Double Bass
  • 15 min
    • 19th October 2024, Schlosspark, Donaueschingen, Germany
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Programme Note

The darkness envelops me like a warm blanket. I feel safe in it and my senses can open up like my pupils. Where do we still find darkness in public spaces today, except during power cuts?

With its rich sound spectra, the double bass is a mysterious instrument. The low frequencies are physically perceptible, draw us in and defy quick comprehension.

What does it sound like underground? I have heard many fascinating recordings with geophones: the movements of countless creatures and their feeding noises, the water exchange of plants, the signals of roots and fungal mycelium and much more - even footsteps and underground trains that cannot be heard above ground. But they only reflect the aspect that the geophone can detect. Where is the heat, the rumbling of the earth's movements, the bound carbon, the bioluminescence of the fungi? We are little aware of what goes on beneath our feet.