• Sebastian Fagerlund
  • Lanterna (2023)
    (Seven Settings for Violin, Violoncello, Piano and Symphony Orchestra)

  • Henry Litolff’s Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (World)
  • pf,vn,vc +
  • Piano, Violin, Cello
  • 23 min

Programme Note

Lanterna – Seven Settings for violin, cello, piano and orchestra was completed in the spring of 2023, and it is the first of Fagerlund's concertos with more than one soloist. A Triple Concerto is a notoriously challenging starting point and Fagerlund has approached this challenge in an original way, where the soloists gradually join the landscape painted by the orchestra to later form a soloist trio.

As a prelude to Lanterna, Fagerlund composed a Piano Trio called Remain (2022) for the Storioni Trio. The material of the slow movement in the Piano Trio functions as a musical core of this concerto, and from the hazy beginning the music progresses towards the fifth setting where a transcription of the slow piano trio movement is presented. From the fifth setting onwards the music moves away from the musical core and the material takes on new shapes and forms. Fagerlund has said that an inspirational starting point has been the idea of a lantern at sea: "When you are close to it, you can see it clearly, but when you move away from it, the light starts to change and finally to disappear depending on the weather conditions.” 

Kimmo Korhonen