• John Cage
  • In a Landscape (1948)

  • Henmar Press, Inc. (World)
  • pf[hp]
  • 8 min
    • 1st August 2024, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, NY, United States of America
    • 2nd August 2024, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, NY, United States of America
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Programme Note

The rhythmic structure of this supremely lyrical work is 15 x 15 measures (5-7-3), following the structure of the Lippold dance for which it was written. The piece is similar to Cage’s Dream, but the fixed gamut of tones is more extensive. Resonances are sustained throughout the composition by using both pedals. The sound of the composition is soft and meditative, reminiscent of the music of Erik Satie.

More Info

  • Dancing into 2024
    • Dancing into 2024
    • 14th February 2024
    • It’s a busy start to the year for Wise Music composers and world class choreographers.