• Elena Mendoza
  • Contra-Dicción (2001)
    (for 2 violas)

  • Henry Litolff’s Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (World)

Contra-Dicción musical dialogue using words from an overall sonority specific to each player."--Elena Mendoza. Written for and dedicated to Konrad von Coelln and Christoph Rabbels. "Contra-Dicción, as the title implies, is 'contradiction' split into two words. Two violas, two identical instruments, face each other, each player positioned at the end of the auditorium or stage with the audience seated in between.

  • 2va
  • 11 min

Programme Note

Contra-Dicción musical dialogue using words from an overall sonority specific to each player."--Elena Mendoza. Written for and dedicated to Konrad von Coelln and Christoph Rabbels. "Contra-Dicción, as the title implies, is 'contradiction' split into two words. Two violas, two identical instruments, face each other, each player positioned at the end of the auditorium or stage with the audience seated in between. 

The world premiere took place at Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf in 2001.