Commissioned by Mads Elung-Jensen with financial support from the Danish Arts Foundation

  • voc/pn/electronics
  • voc
  • 5 min

Programme Note

Intoxication in wine, in art or other laudable activities is a necessity to escape the unbearable grind of time, states Baudelaire in his well-known poem Enivrez-vous. Putting this advice to music is obvious, but it called for something special.


Accordingly, it has almost become a small dramatic scene for the two actors. It is not a song with accompaniment in the traditional sense, but rather two parallel versions of the story or perhaps a dialogue between the voice and the piano, between the singer and the pianist.



The pianist’s story allows itself to be loudly illustrative with the use of so-called tone paintings, that at times approach the grotesque. With this, I seek to hit the poem's particular tone, which is not without humor in its poetic embrace of the whole world - including time, which will always escape from us! – and in its urgent repetition of the indisputable necessity of intoxication.


Beruselsen i vinen, i kunsten eller andre prisværdige aktiviteter er en nødvendighed for at undslippe tidens ubærlige kværn, fastslår Baudelaire i sit kendte prosadigt Enivrez-vous. At sætte denne opfordring i musik en oplagt, men kaldte på noget særligt, syntes jeg.

Det er derfor næsten blevet en lille dramatisk scene for de to aktører. Det er ikke en sang med akkompagnement i traditionel forstand, men snarere to parallelle fortællinger af historien eller måske en dialog mellem stemmen og klaveret, mellem sangeren og pianisten.

Pianistens fortælling tillader sig at være højlydt illustrativ med brug af såkaldte tonemalerier, der til tider nærmer sig det groteske. Hermed søger jeg at ramme digtets særlige tonefald, som ikke er uden humor i sin poetiske omfavnelse af hele verden – også tiden som altid vil flygte fra os! – og i sin indtrængende gentagelse af beruselsens uomtvistelige nødvendighed.

Niels Rosing-Schow



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