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  • pf
  • 11 min

Programme Note

Composer note
Fulfilling Angel (2022) is a movement of a planned set of piano pieces to be called Klee Play, based on images by Swiss painter Paul Klee (1879-1940). Klee’s “Fulfilling Angel” shows an angel with wings and a prominent heart symbol carrying a tray of goodies. The dedication is to my wife, Darlene, and, for the main theme, I have used the musical pitches that spell her nickname: “B-E-D-E.” The music opens with two quiet theme groups (Adagio affettuoso), with the second group more tonal. Then comes a moment of quiet unease, and a development section violently explodes (Subito veloce, agitato molto). In keeping with the title, the commotion could be interpreted as an urgent cry for help in an emergency. The earlier themes appear in faster note values and with dissonant clashes and disjunct registers, textures and rhythms. A sense of desperation sets in, but, even in the struggle, there are flashes of hope as a solution is sought and, eventually, found. After the panic settles, there is relief, and at the end, we again hear the themes of the two quiet opening sections, this time peacefully intertwined.

— Robert Xavier Rodríguez

Paul Klee's art that inspired this piece is at the Museum of Modern Art: Ein Genius serviert ein kleines Frühstück