- Rune Glerup
Om Lys og Lethed (2021)
("Über Licht und Leichtigkeit / About Light and Lightness")- Edition Wilhelm Hansen Copenhagen (World)
Commissioned by DR Symphony Orchestra. Dedicated to Isabelle Faust.
- vn; 2(pic).2.3(Ebcl).2/4.3.2(btbn).0/pf/str
- vn
- 20 min
- 1st November 2024, Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
- 2nd November 2024, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Programme Note
My violin concerto would never have been written if I had not met Isabelle Faust. At a time when I had not written a single note for several months, doubting if I would ever write anything again, her interest and energy was the cause of new inspiration. Just as important was her special way of playing - with intellect, heart and a rare, delicate sensibility. Her personality and musicianship struck a chord in me, in my music, which gave my thoughts a new direction.
The violin concerto marks a change in my music towards a simpler and lighter expression. An expression that also contains detached glimpses from my childhood's endless summers by the North Sea. Birds, high and slow on a blue sky, and the evening quietly descending. The special light, the distant sounds. But also the confusion, repetitions and dead ends of the world. An expression that, more than in my previous music, is "About Light and Lightness."
- Rune Glerup, 2021
More Info
- Glerup, Gudmundsson and Futrell nominated for the Nordic Council’s Music Prize
- 28th May 2024
- Three Edition Wilhelm Hansen composers receive nominations
- Rune Glerup wins the Carl Award
- 26th April 2023
- Danish composer Rune Glerup wins for his violin concerto Light and Lightness