These five sonnets for voice and orchestra form a 22 minute cycle.

  • voc + 3(III:pic).3(III:ca).3(III:bcl).3(III:cbn)/
  • Voice
  • 22 min
  • William Shakespeare
  • English
    • 21st February 2025, Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, ON, Canada
    • 22nd February 2025, Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, ON, Canada
    View all

Programme Note

Five Shakespeare Sonnets
On text of William Shakespeare

I               When Most I wink – Sonnet 43
II             A Woman’s Face – Sonnet 20
III            For Shame – Sonnet 10
Iv            Th’Expense of Spirit- Sonnet 129
V             Farewell Thou Art Too Dear – Sonnet 87

