• 2222/2100/timp/str
  • Flute and Piano
  • Flute
  • 28 min
    • 26th October 2024, Alberta Bair Theater, Billings, MT, United States of America
    • 16th November 2024, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, United Kingdom
    View all

Programme Note

Jacques Ibert's Concerto for Flute, written for the legendary Marcel Moyse, starts out by highlighting the soloist's extraordinary lithe fluency, as well as the subtlety of the composer's orchestral writing. The composer accompanies the soloist with light colour effects and allows him to dialogue with all the orchestra sections. The concerto also gives pride of place to the flute's eminently elegiac nature, in unison with that of Ibert himself. In this concerto, Jacques Ibert achieves a delicate balance between musical effervescence and formal conciseness.

