• Ernest Bloch
  • Schelomo: Hebrew Rhapsody (1916)

  • G Schirmer Inc (World)
  • 3333/4331/timp.perc/cel.2hp/str
  • Cello
  • 20 min
    • 19th October 2024, Huddersfield Town Hall, Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    • 12th April 2025, Huddersfield Town Hall, Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    View all

Programme Note

I do not propose or desire to attempt a reconstruction of the music of the Jews . . . or to base my work on melodies more or less authentic. I am not an archaeologist. I believe that the most important thing is to write good and sincere music--my music. It is rather the Hebrew spirit that interests me, the complex, ardent, agitated soul that vibrates for me in the Bible. The vigor . . . of the Patriarchs, the violence . . . in the books of the Prophets, the burning love of justice . . . the sorrow and the grandeur of the Book of Job, the sensuality of the Song of Songs. All this is in us, all this is in me, and it is the better part of me.

--Ernest Bloch


Schelomo, B. 39



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