• Giya Kancheli
  • Piano Quartet In L’Istesso Tempo (1998)

  • Schirmer Russian Music (USA, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America only)

Available in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America only

  • vn, va, vc, pf
  • 20 min

Programme Note

Composer note:

Again and again, with deep regret, we see how alongside obvious achievements of the civilized world we are. Our planet is being torn apart by bloodshed and antagonisms, and no creative deep is able to withstand that destructive force, which so easily strikes out the fragile means of progress.

Taking very close to my heart, all that is happening around me, I am trying to express in my music the state I feel in my soul, writing basically for myself, without contriving any illusions that, as Dostoyevsky said, ‘beauty will save the world.’

That is why my music is more sad than happy, and is addressed more to the lone individual, rather than to society. Here you won’t find appeals for striving, equality, or ‘a bright future.’ Mist likely, you will find threads of sorrow cause by the imperfection of the world which keeps disregarding the most horrendous examples in human history.

My thoughts are expressed in an extremely simple musical language, and I hope that the audience (…) will not mistake my deliberate simplicity for what, in my opinion, is the most dangerous phenomenon – indifference.

--Giya Kancheli


