Elfman: Serenada Schizophrana Rides onto CD

Elfman: Serenada Schizophrana Rides onto CD
“I began composing several dozen short, freeform compositions, none of them related. Some of them began to develop themselves until I had six separate movements that, in some abstract, absurd way, felt connected. I really let myself wander into a musical stream of consciousness, which, in my case, is the way my brain works. It is not necessarily a very smooth ride….”

So muses award-winning film composer Danny Elfman, on his first major work for the concert hall Serenada Schizophrana, now available on Sony Classical. John Mauceri, departing music director of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, conducts the performance on this super-audio recording (SACD). Earlier in the year, excerpts from Serenada Schizophrana were featured in the IMAX film “Deep Sea 3D,” narrated by Oscar-nominated stars Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet.

Serenada Schizophrana 42'
Small female chorus
3(2pic.afl),3(2ca).3(Ebcl,2bcl, asx).3(2cbn)/6.3.3(btbn)+btbn(cbtbn).2(Cimbasso)/timp(perc.5perc/
Movements may be performed separately with permission of the publisher.