Tavener writes music for Children of Men
19th September 2006

John Tavener, and renowned director Alfonso Cuaron have collaborated on the film Children of Men, opening across the UK on September 22. Sir John has written a new composition “Fragments of a Prayer” for “Children of Men”. This is the first time ever that he has contributed new music to a movie. He says “Fragments of a prayer is a musical/spiritual reaction to Alfonso’s film. The only prayer in the film is the Tibetan mantra “Om mane padme Hum”, so I set isolated but related Sanskrit words- Mata (Mother) – Pahi mam (Protect/help me)-Avatara (Saviour). There is also a recurring “Alleluia”, and the music ends, as does the film, with a gentle hope In Gottes tiefem Frieden ruhn (in God’s deep Peace)”.
Tavener wrote the work specifically for mezzo-soprano Sarah Connolly, an international artist much admired by Tavener. The orchestra is mainly strings with the placid accompaniment of Tibetan Temple Bowls throughout. Rich in emotion and spirituality the piece exists as a complete work as well as a series of cues used in the film.