Erik Bergman (1911-2006)
26th April 2006
Erik Bergman was one of the best-known Finnish composers outside of his home country. His long creative career lasted more than 60 years, with his last work (Fantasia per tromba e orchestra) completed in 2003.
In the 1950s, Erik Bergman was one of the leaders of Finnish modernism, though he is, however, best known for the fantastic style – rich in colour and often making use of limited aleatory – which he arrived at in the first half of the 1970s. He has served as a model for many Finnish modernists of subsequent generations.
Vocal music, especially for choir, occupied a central position in Bergman's prolific output. His thirst for adventure is, however, just as strong in his orchestral, chamber and solo instrumental works. The culmination of his entire output is the opera The Singing Tree, from 1988.