Emily Howard’s 'Ligament' World Premiere

Emily Howard’s 'Ligament' World Premiere

World Premiere of Emily Howard’s LIGAMENT with the International Contemporary Ensemble on Thursday 16 May at the Roulette Intermedium, Brooklyn, New York in a programme curated by Howard, conducted by Vimbayi Kaziboni.

This through-composed acoustic work for chamber ensemble was inspired through collective artistic and computation experimentation meetings at the Centre for Practice & Research in Science & Music (PRiSM) at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, where Emily Howard is the founder and Director. In the development of PRiSM’s Music Gesture Recognition (MGR) improvisation software it was found that the MGR tool likes short gestures best and Ligament questions the very notion of musical gesture.

"It is hugely exciting to be in the thick of PRiSM's artistic and technological inventions," said Emily Howard, "and I cannot wait to experience the six new works, brought to life by the world-renowned International Contemporary Ensemble."

Ligament is dedicated to the International Contemporary Ensemble.

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