Terry Riley Premiere at Barbican Centre
16th July 2015

Terry Riley Photo: Amelia Lukas
Terry Riley recently celebrated his 80th Birthday and is taking up residency in the Gallery at the Barbican as part of Station to Station, composing and rehearsing this new piece prior to the performance. Known for his structured interlocking repetitive patterns, Riley demonstrates his imagination in this new work while audience members can gain understanding and comprehension of his creative process during his time in the Gallery.
Live visuals created by Doug Aitken’s frequent collaborator Austin Meredith, are also showcased throughout the performance by using film footage that is repeated, overlaid and mirrored. This is not the first time that Riley, Aitken and Meredith have collaborated as they previously worked on Aitkens’ Altered Earth Project. In this particular project, Meredith responded with the themes of religious imagery and visuals of nature to Riley’s ritualistic and hypnotic music.
In this live concert at 8pm, a solo performance by Terry Riley will also feature, with him playing Korg Triton synthesizer. More information about this concert and where to purchase tickets can be found here.