A bigger, better Violent, Violent Sea

A bigger, better Violent, Violent Sea

This past June Missy Mazzoli heard the world premiere of her piece, Violent, Violent Sea. She noted that, "As I was writing Violent, Violent Sea for chamber orchestra I kept feeling like the piece was bursting at its seams – that it wanted to be something bigger than the instrumental forces allowed. All of my ideas were loud, full and intense, and they all seemed to involve instruments that weren't available (four horns, three percussionists, a huge string section)".

Luckily, as Composer-Educator Partner for the Albany Symphony, she has her chance to enlarge the work to match her vision. On November 19 they will give the premiere of her expanded Violent, Violent Sea with music director David Allan Miller. She says, "This is a piece that wants to envelop the audience and fill the room, and I feel that it will in this new arrangement". Also, as part of her residency, the Albany
Symphony will present the world premiere of a newly commissioned work by Mazzoli in May 2012.
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