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Master of the Queen’s Music, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies will be celebrating his birthday in true musical style this year. On his birthday on September 8, the Royal Albert Hall will be resounding to his new Violin Concerto No 2, Fiddler on the Shore followed by a late night concert by the BBC Singers, dedicated exclusively to his music. Fiddler on the Shore is inspired by traditional Orkney folk and fiddle music and will receive its world premiere in Leipzig on August 22 with a performance by the commissioners, the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and soloist Daniel Hope. The UK premiere follows as part of the BBC Proms season with Hope and the RPO conducted by Davies.

Celebrations continue into the new season with a new commission from the Nash Ensemble, a sextet to be performed at London’s Wigmore Hall on October 13 and also the Park Lane Group presenting all of the Naxos Quartets in London, Manchester and Glasgow. Performers for these series include the Maggini Quartet (for whom the cycle was written) and the Doric String Quartet.

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