European Premiere of Saariaho's Terra Memoria

European Premiere of Saariaho's Terra Memoria
© Mitch Jenkins
“No rough sounds for Kaija Saariaho’s Terra Memoria commissioned by Carnegie Hall and having its first performance here. Ms. Saariaho’s elegant music begins and ends in whispery near-silence. Her care for the sound properties of instruments is a double gift to listeners. The overlapping conversations between voices are received as counterpoint, and yet the assembled sounds create a single cloudlike sonority. Most of the piece sings in a pervasive tenor-to-treble range reminiscent of Ravel or Fauré. The more Ms. Saariaho engages the past, the more original her music becomes.” June 19 2007, New York Times.

After a successful world premiere at Carnegie Hall, New York the Emerson Quartet will continue performing the piece extensively. The European Premiere takes place at the Salzburg Festival on August 29 2007 ( and the German Premiere at Cologne Philharmonie on September 7 2007 followed by a performance in Stockholm on September 8 2007. Many more performances will take place in the USA, London, Vienna and Paris. Please see the website’s calendar for more details.