Tan Dun: "Tea" in Santa Fe

Tan Dun: "Tea" in Santa Fe
© Santa Fe Opera
Hot on the heels of the sold-out Metropolitan Opera world premiere performances of The First Emperor, Santa Fe Opera presents the North American premiere of Tan Dun's 2002 opera Tea: A Mirror of Soul. This all-new production is directed by Amon Miyamoto, with scenic design by Rumi Matsui, costumes by Masatomo Ota and lighting by Rick Fisher. The cast includes Kelly Kaduce as Princess Lan and Nancy Maltsby in the role of Lu. Lawrence Renes conducts. Tea opens on 21 July, followed by five additional performances.

www.santafeopera.org/2007/tea.phpTea: A Mirror of Soul
S, C, T, Bar, B; B-Bar chorus; 3 solo perc;
amp bfl(pic), bcl(Ebcl), 2 Ctpt, 2 tbn, 3 ripieno perc [opera version only], 2 hp, str (