"The man has two innate qualities that make him great. First, he possesses that rare gift of gab and a corollary personality that is instantly likable. Second, he has the kind of mind that can construct paragraphs to explain to both sophisticate and novitiate the inside baseball aspects of classical music.
"here is always a eureka moment in one of Mr. Kapilow's presentations..."
Fred Kirshnit, New York Sun
- Kapilow's next "eureka" moment occurs on 3 February 2007, with the world premiere of his tap dance concerto, Paddy Wak: A Tap Dance Concerto, written for dancer Ayodele Casel on commission from Lincoln Center, Bank of America Celebrity Series (Boston), and Music in the Morning (Vancouver). On the heels of his concerto are the March performances of Kapilow's baseball season preview, Play Ball!.