Fabrice Bollon

b. 1965



Fabrice Bollon is a highly versatile conductor and composer, internationally acclaimed both in the field of opera and within the symphonic range. He studied with Michael Gielen and Nikolaus Harnoncourt in Paris and at Salzburgs Mozarteum before completing his studies with Georges Prêtre and Mauricio Kagel. 

From 2009 till 2021 he has been General Music Diretor/Chief conductor at Germanys Theater Freiburg, and there the orchestra and the opera division have made an enormous step under his guidance: box office records, a very high acceptance of the orchestra, the programmes and the opera titles within the city and region and an increase of the orchestra size. He started a cooperation with international CD label Naxos which will included CD as well as DVDs of operas and concert, as well as works he composed.

Bollon is ince 2022 chief conductor and general musical director of the famous Staaskapelle Halle in Germany. 

Fabrice Bollon also regularly appears abroad among others, at the Hungarian State Opera Budapest (Verdis Aida), the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the Slovene Radio Orchestra Ljubljana and in Hungary, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria and Monte Carlo. 


Fabrice Bollon is an internationally acclaimed and versatile conductor. He studied with Michael Gielen and Nikolaus Harnoncourt in Paris and at Salzburgs Mozarteum before completing his studies with Georges Prêtre and Mauricio Kagel. 

He worked as musical assistant at Salzburg Festival until 1998, was deputy musical director at Germanys Oper Chemnitz (from 2000 till 2004) and chief conductor of the FlandersSymphony Orchestra (from 1996 till 2000), so he had the chance to cover a broad repertory. First guest engagements included Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte Carlo, Orchestre philharmonique de Monte Carlo, Strasbourg, Orchestra Nazionale della RAI, MDR Symphony Orchestra, Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart, Konzerthausorchester Berlin, SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg, Residentie Orkest, hr-Sinfonieorchester and Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern among others. 

From 2009 till 2021 he has been General Music Diretor/Chief conductor at Germanys Theater Freiburg, and there the orchestra and the opera division have made an enormous step under his guidance: box office records, a very high acceptance of the orchestra, the programmes and the opera titles within the city and region and an increase of the orchestra size. He started a cooperation with international CD label Naxos which will included CD as well as DVDs of operas and concert, as well as works he composed. His work in Freiburg has been acclaimed internationally as well: several guest performances of the theater, among them in the UK (with Wagners Parsifal and Tannhäuser) and the already released CDs (with either cpo or Naxos) won many prizes (2015: Diapason dOr and a Grammophone Editors Choice for Zandonais Francesca da Rimini as well as an Editors Choice for Goldmarks Die Königin von Saba in 2017 among others). Since 2010 he got several nominations as conductor of the year, as orchestra of the year”, best concert programme, best rediscovered opera (Wolf-Ferraris I Gioielli della Madonna in 2016) by German critics.  

Bollon is ince 2022 chief conductor and general musical director of the famous Staaskapelle Halle in Germany. 

Fabrice Bollon also regularly appears abroad among others, at the Hungarian State Opera Budapest (Verdis Aida), the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the Slovene Radio Orchestra Ljubljana and in Hungary, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria and Monte Carlo. 

Besides Fabrice Bollon is an acclaimed composer. His works are published by Edition Peters and performed by Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart, MDR Sinfonieorchester and Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saabrücken Kaiserslautern among other orchestras. His operasOscar und die Dame in Rosa” and recently „The Folly“ which he wrote for Theater Freiburg were highly acclaimed by both critics and audiences.

 Fabrice Bollon’s works are published by Edition Peters.




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