Salvador Bacarisse

1893 - 1963



He was a Spanish composer who studied at the Madrid Conservatory, where he was taught piano by Manuel Fernández Alberdi and composition by Conrado del Campo. In addition to his work in composition, he was a music critic in the Madrid press. He was a member of the Junta de Música y Teatros Líricos and was artistic director of Unión Radio, positions in which he performed valuable work.

During the Spanish Civil War he moved, following the republican government, to Valencia and Barcelona. In Barcelona he was government delegate for musical affairs and organized some concerts and opera seasons. At the end of the war, he moved to Paris, and there he took a position at the French Radio and Television Broadcasting, in charge of the Spanish-American section.

His production, quite extensive, has had little international repercussion and has not exerted an appreciable influence on the young Spanish generations. Among his works are four Concertos and a Ballad for piano and orchestra; Fantasia for violin and orchestra; a Concerto for cello and another for guitar, as well as chamber music, solo piano and a number of songs on texts by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Rafael Alberti and Luis Cernuda, among others.
