Chamber Music News

Chamber Music News

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David Lang, Julia Wolfe, Michael Gordon and Terry Riley are all featured composers at this year’s Sacrum Profanum festival in Krakow which runs from September 11 until the 17th. With performances by Ensemble Modern, Alarm Will Sound and the Bang on a Can All-Stars, the festival is sure to be a huge success. For more information about specific programs, visit the Sacrum Profanum website.

Chamber Music Score Samples Online
Do you ever wish you could peruse a chamber music score out of curiosity, or to discover more about a piece before buying it? Now you can! G. Schirmer has recently added a new chamber music feature to its digital score library, making it quick and easy to view sample pages of music by many of our leading composers.

No registration is required to view hundreds of works in .pdf format as you search for potential repertoire, and new scores are added every month. Browse scores by instrumental combination or composer. Print them out and bring them to chamber music rehearsals to read through with your colleagues. We have carefully selected pages that highlight important features of the music: overall tempi, specific challenges, and often the beginning and ending of pieces.

We hope that you will explore the site and refer your colleagues to the ever-expanding G. Schirmer / AMP digital library, winner of ASCAP's first annual Arnold Broido Award, which already includes over a thousand full opera and orchestral scores!

Additionally, you can access the G. Schirmer Chamber Audio Sampler at Listen to clips of over 400 chamber music works divided by instrumentation. Each entry has an audio clip with links to detailed information.
For more information about these tools or specific questions about the chamber music catalogue, please contact Amelia Lukas.

Scores by Chester and Novello composers are now also online within the OnDemand library. Browse through four orchestral and operatic genres, or look for a full list of your favourite composer's work at

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